8D:英文全名為 “Eight Disciplines”,原文為“Team Oriented Problem Solving” (簡稱“TOPS”) ﹐意思是以團隊方式解決問題。
它 最早系美國福特汽車公司遇到不知道真正肇因 (ROOT CAUSE)的問題時用來解決問題的一種方法。
“TOPS”形成的報告包涵八個“Disciplines”, 此八個“Disciplines”邏輯嚴密﹑結構严谨﹐不僅是一種很好的處理問題結果報告格式﹐同時也是一種很好的處理問題的思維方式﹐所以后來異化為“8D”這個名稱。
格式如下: 8D ReportSupplier nameNoP/NSupplier P/N Start dateComplaint subject D-1 Team MemberChampion Team LeaderTeam membersTel/FaxEmailD-2 Details of complaintDefect date codeD-3.1 Containment ActionsD-3.2 Stock DispositionD-4.1 Root Cause AnalysisD-4.3 Reason for EscapeWhy-Why analysisOccurrenceEscapes12345D-4.2 Verification of root causesD-4.4 Verification of EscapesD-5.1 C/A on root causesD-5.2 C/A on Problem EscapesD-5.3 Implement Corrective ActionsWhenWhoFollow up ResultByD-6 Verify the effectiveness of corrective actionsWhenWhoFollow up ResultByD-7.1 Preventive actions for similar process root Cause occurrencesWhenWhoFollow up ResultByD-7.2 Preventive action(s) for similar process escape point root cause(s)WhenWhoFollow up ResultByD-7.3 Systemic PreventionWhenWhoFollow up ResultByInitial Approval By SupplierPepared byVerified ByApproved ByDateDateDateFinal Approval By XXXXLOT #QTYResultRemark1st lot2nd lot3rd lotD-8 Team and Individual Recognition( ) Actions are effective, 8D closed ( ) Invalidated, see attached 8D evaluation checklistPepared byVerified ByApproved ByDateDateDate。