
导读 upset stomach n. 肚子痛 stomach upset n. 肠胃不适,消化不良 upset price 拍卖底价,最低售价,开拍价格 ~+名词 upset pa...

upset stomach n. 肚子痛 stomach upset n. 肠胃不适,消化不良 upset price 拍卖底价,最低售价,开拍价格 ~+名词 upset pail 打翻的桶 副词+~ mentally upset 心烦意乱 ~+介词 get upset about 为…而心烦 upset at〔about,over〕(v.+prep.) 为…而难过/生气 be sad or angry for sth ▲upset sb at〔about,over〕 sth/v-ing ◇ 常用于be ~ed 结构 She was upset with me about my expense.她因为我的花费而对我生气。

He was horribly upset over her illnese.他为她的病情而忧心忡忡。

She is really upset over not finding a job.她找不到工作很不高兴。

He was upset at not being welcomed.他因不受人欢迎而生气。
