
导读 抓;搔He pretended to scratch his ear. 他假装搔耳朵。 2. 抓破,划破;抓伤,划伤His arms were scratched by thorns. 他的手...

抓;搔He pretended to scratch his ear. 他假装搔耳朵。

2. 抓破,划破;抓伤,划伤His arms were scratched by thorns. 他的手臂被荆棘划破了。

3. (用爪子等)扒出,挖出[(+out)]The cat scratched a hole in the ground. 猫在地上扒了一个洞。

4. 擦;刮We scratched the paint off the wall. 我们刮掉了墙上的油漆。

5. 勾掉;删去;取消[(+off/out)]His name was scratched from the list. 他的名字被从名单上划掉了。

6. 潦草地涂写;乱划He scratched a note and put it on her desk. 他草草写了一张字条放在她书桌上。

7. 划出,刻出;划掉,刮掉[O]He scratched his name on the bridge with a knife. 他用刀子将自己的名字刻在桥上。

8. (辛苦地)凑(钱)[(+up/together)]不及物动词 vi. 1. 抓;搔The cat scratches. 这猫要抓人。

2. 作刮擦声A dog scratched at the door to be let in. 狗嚓嚓地抓门要想进来。

3. 退出比赛;未能践约 4. 勉强糊口[(+along)]名词 n. 1. 抓痕;擦伤[C]He fell into a thorn bush and was covered with scratches. 他跌入荆棘丛,弄得伤痕累累。

2. 刮擦声[C]He heard the scratch of a match. 他听到划火柴的声音。

3. 乱涂;乱划[C] 4. 【牌】零分[U] 5. 起跑线[U] 6. (竞赛等的)弃权者[C] 7. 【美】【俚】钱[U]形容词 a. [Z][B]1. 碰巧的,偶然的 2. 凑合的,匆匆组成的Theirs is a scratch team and did not expect to win the game. 他们是临时组建的球队,没有期望赢得这场比赛。

3. 打草稿用的。
