
蕾切尔·李费弗针对换人一事的个人访谈:“I was fully committed to the ‘Twilight’ saga, and to the portrayal of Victoria,” Rachelle continued, explaining the turn of events that led to the casting change. “I turned down several other film opportunities and, in accordance with my contractual rights, accepted only roles that would involve very short shooting schedules. My commitment to ‘Barney’s Version’ is only ten days. Summit picked up my option for ‘Eclipse.’ Although the production schedule for ‘Eclipse’ is over three months long, Summit said they had a conflict during those ten days and would not accommodate me. Given the length of filming for ‘Eclipse,’ never did I fathom I would lose the role over a 10 day overlap. I was happy with my contract with Summit and was fully prepared to continue to honor it. Summit chose simply to recast the part.”我翻译一下大致内容:蕾切尔说她接了一部戏 叫《Barney’s Version》,只有十天的拍摄周期,但月食的拍摄周期是三个月,顶峰说她接的这部戏与月食有冲突,顶峰无法接受,就换人了。


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