
导读 1. (落在后面) fall behind; lag behind:例句: behind the times;落后于时代Be modest and prudent, never lag behind!谦...

1. (落在后面) fall behind; lag behind:例句: behind the times;落后于时代Be modest and prudent, never lag behind!谦虚谨慎, 永不落后!2. (不先进) backward:例句: backward in technique;技术落后put an end to the backwardness of the mountainous areas改变山区落后面貌短语1. 落后窗 lag window;2. 落后地区 backward areas; less developed areas;3. 落后分子 backward element;4. 落后角 deviation angle; lag angle;5. 落后特性 lag characteristic例句与用法谦虚谨慎, 永不落后!Be modest and prudent, never lag behind!非洲的工业远远落后于欧洲。

Africa falls far behind Europe in industry.在这方面,我们还比较落后。

We still lag behind in this respect.。
