
导读 acoustic[E5ku:stIk]adj.有关声音的, 声学的, 音响学的acoustic[E5ku:stIk]adj.听觉的;有关 声音的原声的,不经过电声设备发出音响的ac...

acoustic[E5ku:stIk]adj.有关声音的, 声学的, 音响学的acoustic[E5ku:stIk]adj.听觉的;有关 声音的原声的,不经过电声设备发出音响的acousticAHD:[…-k›“st¹k]D.J.:[*6ku8stik]K.K.:[*6kust!k] adj.alsoacousticalAHD:[-st¹-k…l]Of or relating to sound, the sense of hearing, or the science of sound. 听觉的,声学的有关声音、听觉或声学的Designed to carry sound or to aid in hearing. 听觉的用以传播声音或帮助听力的 Music 【音乐】Of, relating to, or being an instrument that does not feature electronically modified sound: 不用电传音的不用电子修饰声音的乐器的。

或与其有关的:an acoustic guitar; an acoustic bass.非电吉他,非电子低音提琴Being a performance that features such instruments: 非电声乐器的不用电传音乐器演出的:opened the show with an acoustic set.不用电子乐器开始演出acoustic n. MusicAn acoustic instrument.非电传音乐器Greek akoustikos[ pertaining to hearing ]希腊语 akoustikos[ 关于听力的 ]from akouein[ to hear ]源自 akouein[ 听 ]*See Also : keu- In Appendixacous“tically adv。
