雅虎翻译: Spirit standard Si and trados two translation softwares which is easier to use?Google翻译:Ling Rigas and two trados translation software which enable better?这二个翻译都不确切,最起码“灵格斯”被分别译成了“pirit standard Si”和" Ling Rigas" 。
其实,应该译成:Lingoes.这二句语法也不对,正确的翻译应该是:Lingoes and trados, which one is more easier to use as translation softwares.再比如,如果把楼上的“xiaoli880”的话“灵格斯我认为,他可以翻译好多种语言,还快,即点即翻译,方便”进行翻译, 得到的译文如下:Spirit standard Si I believed that, he may translate many languages, but also is quick, namely the spot is the translation, convenient.除了”灵格斯“这个词被译错以外,还有“Spirit standard Si I believed that”这么说不符合习惯。
“即点即翻译”也不应翻译成“namely the spot is the translation”。
而应该是“immeidate translation".因此,翻译软件毕竟是软件,缺乏智能。
而且翻译软件翻译的东西, 80%都有语法错误,懂英语的人一眼就可以看出是翻译软件翻译的东西。