
导读 anel D.J.[ˈpænəl] K.K.[ˈpænəl] panel是名词,词义如下:1.专门小组A panel of experts gave its opinion on ways to ...

anel D.J.[ˈpænəl] K.K.[ˈpænəl] panel是名词,词义如下:1.专门小组A panel of experts gave its opinion on ways to solve the traffic problem.专家小组就如何解决交通问题发表了意见。

The jury panel was drawn.陪审员名单通过抽签决定了。

2.面; 板This panel has a crack on it.这块镶板有裂痕了。

The builders set the panels in very carefully.建筑工人把嵌板非常小心地镶上去。

3.控制板, 仪表盘The unusual control panel on the walls caught our attention.墙上不同寻常的控制板引起了我们的注意。

Vibrations shook the panel loose.仪表板震松了。
