
导读 你在说什么what are you talking about 短语你在说什麽 :What are you talking ; What you are saying ; You were sayi...

你在说什么what are you talking about 短语你在说什麽 :What are you talking ; What you are saying ; You were saying any/2、你在说些什么: What are you say in ; Oslash ; You were saying any ; What are you talking about3、你究竟在说什么 :What the hell are you talking about扩展资料双语例句你在说什么呀?What are you saying. www.***.com2、你在说什么呀?我们在一起很开心的啊。


What are you talking about? We had a great time. We laughed and talked all night last time. 3、他们是否能听懂你在说什么是没有关系的。

It does not matter if they understand what you are reading to them.。
