
导读 A more immediate worry is the cacophony of competing interests exposed by the downturn. 一个更加直接的担忧是,经济衰...

A more immediate worry is the cacophony of competing interests exposed by the downturn. 一个更加直接的担忧是,经济衰退背景下各方争夺利益之音不绝于耳。

"Politics is not just a game of competing interests and clashing parties, " said Palin. 佩林说:“政治并不只是利益竞争和政党对抗的游戏。

Whose Interests Should Prevail in the Firm? --- Analyzing Competing Interests Between the Owner and His Agent. 在一个单位里,谁的利益应占主导?——分析企业所有人及其代理人的利益冲突。

争夺利益,利益竞争,利益冲突 这要看具体句子,并不一定要译成一样的, 翻译是很灵活的,要合中国人说汉语的习惯,尽量做到:信,达,雅,。
