enables与able","titletext":"英语翻译Courage(enables a junzi to do what is right when doing so means risking what he holds dearly such as life,career,friends,etc.Without courage,one will not be able to do what is right under such circumstances.Therefore,courag

导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于enables与able","title_text":"英语翻译Courage enables a junzi to do what is right when doing...

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于enables与able","title_text":"英语翻译Courage enables a junzi to do what is right when doing so means risking what he holds dearly such as life,career,friends,etc.Without courage,one will not be able to do what is right under such circumstances.Therefore,courage is a necessary condition for being a junzi.AsWhalen Lai has pointed out,courage is the ability to do what one ought to do.方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于enables与able","title_text":"英语翻译Courage enables a junzi to do what is right when doing so means risking what he holds dearly such as life,career,friends,etc.Without courage,one will not be able to do what is right under such circumstances.Therefore,courage is a necessary condition for being a junzi.AsWhalen Lai has pointed out,courage is the ability to do what one ought to do.方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。勇气能使 君子去做正确的事 即使这么做会意味着他将忙着失去他所一直拥有的东西,譬如 生命,工作,朋友等诸如此类的东西.没有勇气,没人能在这样的情况下去做对的事.所以,勇气是成为君子的一个必要条件.正如黎惠伦( Lai,Whalen (1991 AP))所指出的,勇气正是那种能让去做该做的事的能力.

